OCP- UM6P: Impulse Program Showcased to Ghana’s Agro-entrepreneurs
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) organized lately in Accra, an information session about Impulse, a startup acceleration program, sponsored by OCP Group and its subsidiary OCP Africa.
The program supports startups working in the fields of Agritech, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies and mining technologies. It has been designed in collation with MassChallenge, a global startup acceleration network with non-equity participation focused on impact.
Speaking at the Ghana information session, which was attended by various stakeholders ranging from young entrepreneurs in Agribusiness, venture capitalists, farmers and corporate executives, Adnane Alaoui Soulimani, Impulse Program Director, said “we are pleased to empower our own youth and entrepreneurs to invent our own future, respecting our identities and following our own models of development”.
Sharing his experience as an Agritech Entrepreneur, Kamal Deen Yakub, the founder of Trotro Tractor, said such an acceleration program would help propel his business to higher heights and expressed excitement that OCP Africa is introducing Impulse to Agri-businesses in Ghana.
For her part, Nana Akyaa Akosa, Executive Director of the National Food and Agric Show, urged the youth who are into Agri-business to focus on a particular niche and perfect it in order to be successful. She said women in Agritech will benefit a lot when they are supported by organizations like OCP Africa and advised many of the start-ups to take advantage of the Impulse program to grow their businesses.
On her part, Paulina Ady Wiad, Director of Women in Agric (MoFA) hailed cooperation with OCP Africa on a number of projects for small-holder farmers, affirming that Impulse project will change the agribusiness landscape in Ghana.