Over one hundred detainees involved in Rif Hirak & Jerada Protests pardoned
On the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan, King Mohammed VI has granted royal pardon to 755 inmates and people sentenced by courts but benefitting from liberty.
According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Justice on Tuesday, the list of the 755 pardoned inmates includes 107 protesters who were arrested on the sidelines of the social unrest in Al Hoceima and Jerada, Northeastern Morocco.
Of the pardoned inmates, 60 had been sentenced for involvement in the Al Hoceima events or what is called the Rif Hirak and 47 in the Jerada protests.
The pardon was granted to people who did not commit any serious crimes or offenses, the statement explained, adding that family and human reasons were taken into account for the decision made in favor of these people.
The King grants pardon to inmates on the occasion of religious and national holidays.
In August 2018, on the occasion of Aid El Adha, Mohammed VI had pardoned 188 detainees from the Rif Hirak.
The Rif protests erupted in late 2016 after a fishmonger died crushed in a trash compactor while trying to save his fish that was confiscated by authorities. The event triggered popular protests over economic and social development.
The peaceful character of the protests soon gave way to confrontations between protesters and security forces causing more arrests.
King Mohammed VI also granted pardon to 11 persons convicted in cases of extremism and terrorism after they participated in the “Reconciliation” program (Musalaha), officially announced their rejection of all forms of extremism and terrorism, and expressed their firm attachment to the supreme values and sacred principles of the Nation and national institutions, the Justice Ministry said.