EBRD Lends €24 Million to Tunisian Leasing Company
The European Bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) has agreed to provide a €24 million loan to Tunisie Leasing and Factoring, the country’s largest leasing company.
The loan will allow the Tunisian company to continue growing its network across the country and reaching SMEs in regions less well-covered by competitors. Supporting access to finance for SMEs has been identified as a strategic priority by both the government of Tunisia and the EBRD.
There are over 80,000 SMEs in Tunisia; they are responsible for 40 per cent of GDP and employ more than half the population. The performance of the country’s economy relies on the growth of its small businesses.
Tunisie Leasing and Factoring was the first company to establish leasing operations in Tunisia and has a strategic focus on supporting small businesses.
Since it began operations in Tunisia in 2012, the EBRD has invested €840 million across 38 projects in the country and provided technical assistance to nearly 800 SMEs.
The Bank’s investments aim to support Tunisia’s competitiveness by opening markets and strengthening governance, promote economic inclusion for women, young people and those living in remote areas, strengthen the financial sector’s resilience, and support Tunisia’s green economy transition.