King Urges for Swift, Concrete Improvement of Health System
King Mohammed VI held Wednesday in Rabat a meeting with Head of the Government Saad eddine El Othmani and Minister of Health Anas Doukkali on progress made in improving the health system in Morocco through the implementation of the strategies outlined by the Sovereign in recent speeches.
In the Throne Day Speech (July 29) as well as in the inaugural speech of the Parliament fall session (Oct.13), the King had stressed, among others, the need to tackle the dysfunctions marring the health coverage program ‘RAMED’ and to undertake, concurrently, a thorough review of the national health system, which is characterized by blatant disparities and poor management.
During the Wednesday meeting, the Sovereign was briefed on the first actions envisaged by the government to implement the strategies recommended, with emphasis on the need to remedy the shortcomings of the RAMED medical coverage program and to overhaul the national health system. He was also informed of the first conclusions of the inter-ministerial technical commission set up for this purpose, the Royal Office said in a statement.
Despite the constant growth of the number of beneficiaries, the RAMED program, generalized in 2012, faces several constraints and shortcomings that limit its effectiveness and its ability to meet the needs of the targeted social layers, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable people, the statement said.
Moreover, despite the efforts made, citizens continue to suffer from the many weaknesses of the health system, particularly in terms of inequity in medical care at the territorial level, the quality of the health service provided as well as medical and paramedical follow-up.
The King gave instructions to continue the reflection on the various reform scenarios under consideration, in coordination with the departments and organizations concerned, primarily the ministries of the Interior and Economy & Finance.
King Mohammed VI renewed on this occasion his resolve to see to it that the efficiency of this vital sector be upgraded, its functioning enhanced and the quality of health services improved quickly, the royal office statement said.
The aim, it added, is that citizens start perceiving concrete improvements as soon as the action plan currently being developed is implemented.