Morocco wants to Curb Unemployment to 8.5% by 2021
Morocco is set to reduce the unemployment rate to 8.5% by 2021 through the creation of 200,000 jobs annually, employment minister Mohamed Yatim promised
Speaking at a conference in Rabat, Yatim said the government cooperates with stakeholders in the private sector to achieve that ambitious goal.
The unemployment rate in Morocco has increased from 9.1% to 9.3% between the second quarter of 2016 and 2017, according to the High Commission for Planning (HCP).
The number of unemployed has grown from 1,090,000 to 1,123,000 between the two periods, a rise of 33,000 people nationwide (45,000 more in urban areas and 12,000 fewer in rural areas), the Rabat-based institution noted in a report.