Settling Sahara Issue only Possible within Morocco’s Full Sovereignty- King Mohammed VI says

Settling Sahara Issue only Possible within Morocco’s Full Sovereignty- King Mohammed VI says

King Mohammed VI reiterated attachment to the firmly established principles and terms of reference on which the Moroccan position on the Sahara question is based, saying that settling the artificial dispute is only conceivable within the framework of Morocco’s “full sovereignty”.

“No’ to any solution to the Sahara question other than within the framework of Morocco’s full sovereignty over its Sahara and the Autonomy Initiative, which has been declared serious and credible by the international community,” said the King in a speech on the 42nd anniversary of the Green March.

In this connection, the King said that “Morocco remains committed to engaging in the current dynamic wished for by His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations Organization, and to collaborating with his Personal Envoy.”

The Monarch also stressed the need for ensuring full compliance with the terms of reference adopted by the UN Security Council when addressing this artificial regional dispute.

“Outright rejection of any transgression or attempt to infringe on Morocco’s legitimate rights or its best interests; rejection of any obsolete proposals designed to divert the settlement process from the set terms of reference, or to introduce or impose other issues which are dealt with by other relevant bodies,” he made it clear.

At the national level, the King said that Morocco remains committed “to promote development in our southern regions and offer our populations there freedom and dignity.”

In this regard, he said the development model specifically designed for these regions will be continued, in parallel, with the implementation of the advanced regionalization plan, which will enable the inhabitants of the region to run their own affairs democratically and to contribute to its development.

He underscored that the projects he has launched, and those to follow, aim at turning the Moroccan Sahara “into an integrated economic hub that will enable the region to play its role as a link between Morocco and countries further down in Africa.”

The King went on to say that this development model “is not just about the economy.” But rather an integrated societal project aimed at ensuring human fulfillment, preserving people’s dignity and making sure man is front and center in the development process.

Special attention was also attached by the King to the preservation of Saharan cultural heritage as part of the development model in the southern provinces.

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