OIC Chief Commends Morocco’s Counterterrorism Efforts, African Policy

Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération Internationale M. Nasser Bourita sest entretenu, Mercredi (25/10/2017) à Rabat, avec le Secrétaire Général de lOrganisation de Coopération Islamique M. Yousef bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen.
Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Yousef Bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen, on Wednesday lauded Morocco for the efforts it makes to combat terrorism and extremism, underlining that terror acts are unacceptable and contrary to the principles of Islam.
Terrorism, which “has no religion, identity or ethnicity”, is unacceptable regardless of its form and origin, Al-Othaimeen told reporters following talks in Rabat with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita.
The OIC Chief who was visiting Morocco to take part in the 7th Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers (ICEM), held Wednesday in Rabat, said there is no reason whatsoever to perpetrate such heinous acts that are contrary to the principles and values of Islam.
Al-Othaimeen said his talks with Bourita covered the situation in Al Quds and the next steps to be taken to defend the Holy city, in accordance with the high orientations of King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee.
The OIC who stressed the need to boost inter-Islamic trade, which remains weak, particularly in Africa, commended the Moroccan King’s efforts to promote investment in several African countries.
“Morocco’s orientation, under the wise and enlightened leadership of HM the King, in terms of intra-State investment and trade, and through its openness to Africa, is an important step to which the OIC attaches a particular interest,” he said. He noted that the level of intra-OIC trade does not exceed 20%, a modest figure given the enormous material, human and natural potential of the Muslim world.