Morocco Rises Vigilance Level on Spanish Borders in Wake of Barcelona Attacks
Moroccan authorities have raised security vigilance on its northern borders with Spain after the Barcelona terror attack.
The tightening of security measures, especially in the northern region near the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, aims at thwarting any infiltration attempts or smuggling of arms by terrorists, local media reported.
Morocco has also reinforced security measures to protect Spanish diplomatic missions as well as Spanish language and cultural centers.
Spain saw one of its most violent days in recent memory as a spate of incidents throughout the country appeared to be connected to a terror attack Thursday in Barcelona that left 14 people dead and more than 100 injured
The attack in Spain’s second largest city marked the sixth time in just over a year that a vehicle has been used by an Islamist terrorist to cause mass casualties in a European nation. Similar major incidents have occurred in Germany, France, Britain and Sweden.
A massive manhunt is underway for the 22-year-old Moroccan man suspected of driving the van that ploughed into a crowd in Barcelona, but the Spanish Government says the extremist cell behind the attack has been “fully dismantled”.
Five men suspected of attempting to carry out a related attack were shot by police early Friday morning in the nearby town of Cambrils. The attackers, who were wearing explosives, were intercepted after driving a car into a crowd of people, killing one and injuring six others. Catalan officials have since suggested that the explosives were fake.
One person was also killed in an explosion in a property in a separate town 100 miles southwest of Barcelona Wednesday night. Police sources say the residence was being used for preparing explosive devices.