At Least 180 Illegal Migrants Storm into Ceuta
Over 180 illegal migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa broke into the six-meter fence surrounding the Spanish-occupied city in northern Morocco, Ceuta.
Images broadcasted in the media show the migrants sprinting over the border from the Moroccan side Monday, in the early morning before sunrise.
The migrants who reached Ceuta were eventually rounded up and taken to a reception center, where they can apply for asylum in Spain.
Last week, about 200 migrants stormed the high border fence, with 73 managing to get through using wire cutters and mallets.
The latest major attempt at crossing the fence took place on New Year’s Eve when Moroccan authorities thwarted the illegal immigration attempt by nearly 1000 Sub-Saharan nationals who tried to jump the six-meter barbed wire fence of the city of Ceuta.
Monitoring the borders with Spain to avert illegal immigration attempts cost Morocco an estimated annual amount of €250 million.
Ceuta has been under Spanish occupation since the 16th century. Morocco claims the city along with the other Spanish occupied city of Mellilia as an integral part of its national territory.
When King Juan Carlos made his first royal tour of the cities in November 2007, he stirred up a hornet’s nest, igniting Moroccan claims that the two enclaves be returned to their rightful claimant.
Madrid asserts that both territories are integral parts of Spain and have the same status as the semi-autonomous regions on its mainland.