High-level UN event addresses Palestinian children’s protection

High-level UN event addresses Palestinian children’s protection

A high-level event, sponsored by Save the Children NGO, in collaboration with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), was held in New York this week on the sidelines of the ongoing UN General Assembly to address the systematic killing of Palestinian children and the destruction of educational infrastructure, which severely impedes the ability of UN agencies to fulfill their missions.

The event, titled ‘Shattered Futures in the Occupied Palestinian Territory – Children’s Perspectives,’ brought together a number of children from the Occupied Palestinian Territories to express their perspectives directly to decision makers. Palestinian children joined via video link humanitarians who have recently returned from Gaza, as well as representatives of several countries and United Nations agencies, for a discussion on the mental health, education, and protection needs of Palestinian children.

According to the International NGO Save the Childre, more than 1 million children in Gaza are at high risk of famine and children who survive the bombs, ground operations and displacement orders will die from hunger, dehydration and disease if humanitarian aid continues to be weaponised.

Participants underscored the critical need to address Israel’s unlawful actions, as recognized by the International Court of Justice and various UN General Assembly resolutions and stressed the importance of holding Israel accountable for its violations.

They also emphasized the necessity of recognizing the State of Palestine as part of a two-state solution, making it clear that true protection for Palestinian children depends on an immediate ceasefire, the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid, and an end to the Israeli occupation of all Palestinian territories.

Addressing the gathering, Save the Children International CEO Inger Ashing noted that the situation in the West Bank, “is rapidly deteriorating” and across the territory “children’s rights to education is under siege.”

“Palestinian children’s wellbeing wherever they may be is gravely impacted. Living in a world of instability, economic crisis, repeated exposure to traumatic events, constantly fearing that their whole lives will be upturned at any time is creating a profound sense of hopelessness among many Palestinian children,” she said.

Ashing also urged the guests and speakers in attendance to “really listen carefully to what children have to say, to hear their calls, and to really ensure that we are all taking action to protect their rights not only to live but their rights to thrive.”

Save the Children US President and CEO Janti Soeripto called for an immediate ceasefire, an end to attacks on education facilities, more resources to reconstruct schools, as well as the provision of psychosocial support for both students and teachers.

Soeripto also acknowledged that the lives of children throughout occupied Palestine have been shattered with no apparent end to the ongoing war and stated that the conflicting parties and the international community must do their utmost to end the violence and suffering and create the peaceful future that future generations deserve.

Other speakers at the event included Queen Rania of Jordan, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa, Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob, Irish Taoiseach Simon Harris, and UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini.

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