Tag: War on Gaza

Geneva: Morocco calls for immediate, comprehensive, sustainable cessation of Israeli war on Gaza

February 28, 2024

Morocco has called for the immediate, comprehensive, and sustainable cessation of the Israeli war on Gaza during the high-level segment of the ongoing 55th session ... Read More

Libya’s Mufti suggests halt of oil sales to countries supporting Israel in war on Gaza

November 1, 2023

The Mufti of Libya Sheikh Al-Sadiq Al-Gharyani has urged authorities to suspend the sales of Libyan oil to countries supporting Israel in its ongoing massacre ... Read More

Situation in Palestine: Morocco’s King has continuously called for moving away from the logic of conflict & violence, for promoting the logic of peace – FM

October 12, 2023

King Mohammed VI has continuously called for moving away from the logic of conflict and violence, to promote that of peace, cooperation, and to build ... Read More