Tag: Sahel Countries

Morocco rejects condescendence in dealing with Sahel

June 22, 2024

Morocco rejected the foreign interferences in the domestic affairs of Sahel countries, which do not need a tutor in managing their internal issues. The remark ... Read More

UK Think-tank lauds Royal Initiative offering Atlantic Access to Sahel Countries

February 27, 2024

King Mohammed VI’s Initiative offering Atlantic Ocean access to Sahel countries embodies a comprehensive approach to tackling the challenges facing African landlocked countries, says the ... Read More

Sahel Countries Applaud Royal Initiative for Atlantic Ocean Access -Joint Statement

December 24, 2023

Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, and Niger have welcomed the international initiative announced by King Mohammed VI to enable these African landlocked countries have access to ... Read More

Sahel countries: Ministerial Coordination Meeting discusses royal initiative to enhance access to Atlantic Ocean

December 23, 2023

The ministerial coordination on the international initiative of King Mohammed VI to promote access of the Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean started this Saturday ... Read More

King Mohammed VI urges international initiative to enable Sahel countries to access Atlantic coast

November 6, 2023

King Mohammed VI has called for launching an international initiative to help Sahel countries access the Atlantic Ocean. In a speech marking the 48th anniversary ... Read More

UNODC: Counterfeit medicines kill 270,000 people a year in the Sahel

February 8, 2023

The trafficking of counterfeit medicines in the countries of the Sahel leads to the death of 270,000 people a year, revealed the United Nations Office ... Read More