Morocco rejects condescendence in dealing with Sahel

Morocco rejects condescendence in dealing with Sahel

Morocco rejected the foreign interferences in the domestic affairs of Sahel countries, which do not need a tutor in managing their internal issues.

The remark was made by foreign minister Nasser Bourita following talks in Rabat with his Burkinabe peer Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré.

Bourita denounced « meddling by some European countries as well as a country that shares a part of the borders with Sahel countries.”

The allusion points to French and Algeria whose relations worsened with Sahel countries in recent months.

“With their men and skills, Sahel countries are capable of settling their own issues,” Bourita said.

Morocco is more concerned about the region’s stability, he said, noting that “a Sahel that lives in chaos is a threat to its population and neighborhood.”

“Stability is at the heart of the vision of his majesty the King for the region,” he said.

Democratic transition is necessary and it is up to the elites of the Sahel countries to find their way through, he said.

Morocco is against interference in the Sahel, against condescending policies and against the actions of those who think having borders with Sahel gives them the right to blackmail, he said.

« Unfortunately, these are not only visions by European countries. Even in the Sahel’s neighborhood, there are countries that think they can deal with the Sahel through blackmail in order to solve their own problems at the expense of stability in the Sahel,” Bourita said.

Morocco’s policy is that of « supporting” instead of “substitution,” he said, noting that Sahel countries are well-placed to solve their own problems.

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