Algerian FM bemoans exclusion of Polisario from international fora

July 23, 2024

The exclusion of the Polisario separatists from international events bringing together the African Union and international partners is irking Algeria whose foreign minister Ahmed Attaf ... Read More

Polisario camps, a tinderbox waiting to explode

June 29, 2024

The inhumane conditions imposed on thousands of Sahraouis held against their will in the Polisario-run camps of Tindouf in Algeria, coupled with a bloody crackdown ... Read More

UNC-24: Petitioners laud global support for Morocco’s Autonomy Plan & condemn human rights violation in Tindouf Camps

June 13, 2024

Several UN petitioners have praised the growing international support for Morocco’s autonomy plan offered for the Sahara under its sovereignty, highlighted the impressive socioeconomic development ... Read More

Switzerland denies Polisario official representation on its territory

May 21, 2024

The Swiss government has affirmed that “there is no official representation of the polisario front either at the UN Office in Geneva or to the ... Read More

Algeria: Tindouf camps, “Time Bomb” Threatening Regional Security

May 17, 2024

The Polisario-controlled Tindouf camps, located in southern Algeria, are a time bomb threatening the security and stability of the whole region, said Ivory Coast newspaper ... Read More

NGO: Polisario, destabilizing factor in North Africa

April 22, 2024

Chile’s Foundation for Human Rights Without Borders has strongly condemned the major human rights violations committed by the Algeria-backed Polisario militias in the Tindouf camps, ... Read More

France greenlights public funding for private projects in Morocco’s Sahara

April 3, 2024

France has allowed its development agencies to fund projects in the Moroccan Sahara, a move that implies a recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the territory, ... Read More

Advocate General’s Recent Conclusions on EU-Morocco Agreements: Implications and Recommendations / Sahara

March 22, 2024

The recent conclusions of the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union detail the progress made in the appeals filed by ... Read More

Geneva-based NGO alerts to legal anarchy in Tindouf Camps

March 5, 2024

A Geneva-based NGO has alerted to the legal anarchy prevailing in the Tindouf camps in Southwestern Algeria, where thousands of sahrawis live in dire conditions ... Read More

Socialist International: Polisario and Algerian Regime Suffer Humiliating Setback

March 4, 2024

The Congress of the Socialist International (SI) held last week in Madrid has ignored the Polisario and invited the Sahrawi Movement for Peace (MSP), which ... Read More