Tag: Comoro Islands

Former Comoro Islands President faces life imprisonment for high treason

November 25, 2022

Ahmed Abdallah Sambi, former President of Comoro Islands, could receive life in prison sentence after Comorian Government Commissioner to the State Security Court requested Thursday ... Read More

UN/Sahara: Gambia & Comoro Islands Reaffirm Steadfast Backing to Morocco’s Autonomy Plan & Territorial Integrity

September 23, 2022

Gambia’s President Adama Barrow has reiterated at the United Nations his country’s strong support for Morocco's autonomy plan offered for a lasting and peaceful resolution ... Read More

Morocco: King Mohammed VI Delivers a Speech to the Nation on 69th Anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People

August 20, 2022

King Mohammed VI on Saturday delivered a speech to the Nation on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the Revolution of the King and ... Read More