Influential US Congressman labels Polisario terrorist organization

Influential US Congressman labels Polisario terrorist organization

U.S. Republican Congressman Joe Wilson has described the Algeria-backed polisario armed militia as a terrorist organization which is actively engaged with its foreign allies in destabilizing acts in West Africa.

In a speech made Wednesday at the House of Representatives, Wilson, Chair of U.S.-Morocco Caucus, said the North African Kingdom is a longstanding “essential U.S. partner”.

The remarks come few days before the 2nd inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump who recognized in 2020 Morocco’s full sovereignty over its entire Saharan territory.

The Polisario militias are armed, funded, and sheltered by the Algerian junta in Tindouf camps. This terrorist organization and its anti-semitic leaders have ties with Iranian proxies, Lebanese Hezbollah, Hamas, and brutal Bashar Assad, forming an axis of evil threatening regional stability and international peace.

The Polisario has proven it is a terrorist and criminal organization. It established ties with the PKK/YPG terrorist organization and hosted lately Kurdish separatists in Tindouf camps, Southern Algeria.

Furthermore, evidence and intelligence reports have confirmed the involvement of the Algeria-backed separatist front and its leaders in terrorist activities carried out by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara.

For these reasons, several experts are convinced that the Polisario will be designated a terror organization and held accountable for the crimes committed in connivance with Algerian Generals.

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