Boeing expects to expand in Africa on back of demographic growth

Boeing expects to expand in Africa on back of demographic growth

Africa’s rapid population growth is expected to lead to an increased demand on air travel, with Boeing expecting a robust annual growth rate of 6.4% in passenger traffic across the continent.

Boeing, in its latest commercial market outlook, expects Africa’s commercial fleet to more than double by 2043.

Regional aviation associate AFRAA estimates there will be a 15% growth in passenger traffic for African airlines in 2024 alone, compared to the previous year.

Currently, over 60 airlines operate approximately 500 Boeing aircraft in Africa, reflecting nearly eight decades of partnership between the manufacturer and the region.

To meet the burgeoning demand, Africa will need to recruit and train 76,000 new pilots, maintenance technicians, and cabin crew, effectively tripling the current workforce, according to Boeing’s outlook.

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