Angola: EU to fund three environmental projects by 2025

Angola: EU to fund three environmental projects by 2025

The European Union (EU) will invest nearly €100 million by 2025 in three major projects in Angola focusing on biodiversity protection, the blue economy, and the circular economy, according to EU Ambassador Rosário Bento Pais.

Speaking on September 18, at the international conference “The Planet on Fire: Rights in Extinction,” organized by Mosaiko – Institute for Citizenship and the Faith and Cooperation Foundation (FEC), the EU ambassador outlined ongoing initiatives to engage civil society in technical and professional sectors, such as plastic recycling and waste management.

One of the key projects, a €25 million initiative called “Angola’s Natural Heritage: Governance and Ecotourism in Conservation Areas,” is set to launch next year in the Lobito Corridor. Its goal is to enhance ecotourism, featuring attractions like the iconic Giant Sable antelope, and promote bird conservation.

A second project will focus on the blue economy, aiming to protect marine biodiversity and support the sustainable economic development of Angola’s coastal zones.

The third initiative, “Support for the Modernization of the Solid Waste Management Value Chain and the Adoption of a Circular Economic Model,” will facilitate the transition to a circular economy, attracting private investment and creating green jobs to boost sustainability.

When asked about Angola’s fire situation, Ambassador Bento Pais acknowledged it as a global issue, emphasizing the need for increased public awareness and the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices to address the problem.

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