Chinese firms to build Namibia’s largest power plant

Chinese firms to build Namibia’s largest power plant

After years of recurrent power cuts, Namibia seems to have taken renewable energies seriously, turning to Chinese firms for help with the country’s largest solar plant.

In this respect, a deal was signed by state-owned power utility Nampower and two Chinese firms – Jiangxi International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co. Ltd and Chint New Energy Development (Zhejiang) Co. Ltd -which would help the country reduce its reliance on power imports from Zambia and South Africa.

Installed capacity is only 500 megawatt in Namibia. The new plant is expected to add 100MW in capacity.

Most of the funding for the 1.4 billion dollar plant will be offered by German development bank KFW. The plant is expected to be ready in 18 months.


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