Morocco reaffirms commitment to strengthening Chinese-African partnership

Morocco reaffirms commitment to strengthening Chinese-African partnership

The Moroccan Government reaffirmed on Thursday in Beijing steadfast commitment to advancing and strengthening further partnership between African countries and China for shared prosperity and inclusive growth unleashing Africa’s full potentials.

Addressing the China-Africa cooperation summit 2024 convening in Beijing (Sept.4-6), Morocco’s Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch, who is representing King Mohammed VI at this event, said thanks to its strategic position and resources, Morocco will remain a strong partner for China and Africa for the development of the Continent’s agriculture, infrastructures and renewable energies.

He also stressed the importance of enhancing China-Africa cooperation to address various international challenges generated by the geopolitical changes taking place in a multipolar world.

Morocco is committed to supporting the China-Africa Cooperation forum whose objectives are similar to several royal initiatives launched for Africa’s peace, stability, regional integration, and sustainable development, said the PM.

He cited in this regard the Royal initiative offering Atlantic Ocean access to Sahel countries and the Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline project, saying that these landmark projects, supported by trilateral partnerships, will play an essential role in achieving a prosperous and sustainable future for Africa.

To address the food security challenges in the Continent, Morocco has built fertilizer plants in Ethiopia and Nigeria, said Mr. Akhannouch, noting that Moroccan state-owned phosphate OCP group is present in 12 African countries helping them in the production and distribution of fertilizers through the launch of eight industrial projects.

The Prime minister also spoke about the efforts made by Morocco to mitigate the impacts of global warming on agriculture, highlighting the measures launched for better water management.

He likewise underlined the progress accomplished by the Kingdom in the industrial and agricultural sectors and the facilities granted to investors to bolster renewable energies, electric vehicles, aerospace industry, construction sector, and green hydrogen.

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