Indonesia bars road to Algeria’s banditry at African summit

Indonesia bars road to Algeria’s banditry at African summit

At the Indonesia-Africa Forum, Indonesian authorities learned lessons from the laxism of Japanese authorities with participants by imposing that only participants with a valid badge with a nametag can take part in the event, leaving Algeria unable to smuggle the Polisario agents as it did in Tokyo.

Algeria has violated diplomatic norms in the Japan-Africa TICAD meeting last month, offering diplomatic cover to Polisario agents, whom it smuggled into the meeting room using fake badges.

The Polisario agent smuggled into the room a nameplate of the self-declared RASD entity, despite African Union’s decision earlier in July that only UN member states shall take part in international meetings involving international partners.

Japan has made it clear that it does not recognize the Polisario’s self-declared SADR entity.

The meeting was marred by a violent attack on a Moroccan diplomat by an Algerian agent who knocked him down as the Moroccan was protesting the presence of the provocative and uninvited Polisario agent.

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