Egypt says it will not accept Israeli presence on its border with Gaza

Egypt says it will not accept Israeli presence on its border with Gaza

A media outlet close to the Egyptian intelligence services reported, on Monday August 26,  that Egypt has firmly declared it will not accept any Israeli military presence along its border with the Gaza Strip. This stance was communicated through a senior source to Al-Qahera News.

Egypt, which plays a crucial role as a mediator in efforts to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas amidst the ongoing conflict in the Palestinian territories, has emphasized its position on the strategic Philadelphia corridor. This area, which lies along the border between Egypt and Gaza, has become a focal point in the ongoing hostilities, which have continued for over ten months.

The Egyptian government has reiterated to all involved parties that it is steadfast in its refusal to allow any Israeli forces to be stationed or operate in this border region. This declaration underscores Egypt’s commitment to maintaining the sovereignty and security of its borders while actively engaging in peace negotiations to address the prolonged and deadly conflict.

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