Libya: Joint Military Commission (5+5) confirms ceasefire is still in place

Libya: Joint Military Commission (5+5) confirms ceasefire is still in place

At the conclusion of its meeting in Sirte on Sunday, the 5+5 Joint Military Commission reassured all Libyans of the ceasefire’s stability, referencing the agreement signed in October 2020 under UN auspices in Geneva. The Commission emphasized that “all Committees responsible for implementing and monitoring the agreement continue their work with dedication and sincerity.”
The meeting was attended by military and security leaders from both the General Staff of the Libyan Army in Tripoli and Khalifa Haftar’s forces, as well as Stephanie Koury, the Acting Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, and other UN mission officials.
In its statement, the Commission addressed concerns about the security and political situation affecting the ceasefire agreement and the implementation of its provisions. It denied claims that it had abandoned its role, asserting that such reports are “mere fabrication.” The Commission clarified that its mandate is focused on overseeing the ceasefire and its implementation, not on unifying the military institution, expelling mercenaries, or organizing armed groups—tasks which fall under the jurisdiction of the state’s executive bodies.
The Commission reaffirmed its commitment to operate from its headquarters in Sirte and to limit meetings there until its mission is complete. It acknowledged the impact of political division on the implementation of the ceasefire and national security and stated that it will update Libyans on its position in the coming days.

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