Congo’s Mpox crisis escalates, sparking urgent vaccine plea

Congo’s Mpox crisis escalates, sparking urgent vaccine plea

The Democratic Republic of Congo is grappling with a severe mpox outbreak, reporting over 1,000 new cases in just a week. This surge has prompted African health authorities to issue an urgent call for vaccines to combat the growing threat across the continent.

Congo bears the brunt of this crisis, accounting for a staggering 94% of Africa’s total cases this year. With limited testing capabilities, the true scale of the outbreak may be even larger than reported. The identification of a potentially more transmissible variant in eastern Congo has heightened concerns, leading to a global health emergency declaration.

Despite pledges of vaccine doses from various sources, the need far outstrips the supply. Congo alone estimates it requires 3 million doses to effectively contain the outbreak, which has already spilled into neighboring countries.

This situation has reignited frustrations over global health inequities. African leaders are calling for equitable access to mpox diagnostics and vaccines, drawing parallels to the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic when the continent struggled to secure timely and affordable vaccine access.

As the international community weighs its response, African health officials are urging solidarity and support, rather than isolating measures like travel bans. The crisis underscores the critical need for a coordinated global effort to address emerging health threats, regardless of where they originate.

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