African Union bans Polisario from participating in international meetings, another setback for Algiers

African Union bans Polisario from participating in international meetings, another setback for Algiers

The African Union has decided to ban the Algeria-backed Polisario separatist group from participating in the upcoming international meetings such as forums or summits gathering African countries with the United States, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea…
The game-changer decision was endorsed with overwhelming majority by the AU Executive Council during its latest meeting held in Accra, dealing a hard blow to the Algerian regime which funds, arms and shelters the Polisario armed militia.

The AU historic move comes after some major international meetings, which were intended to bring in major investment to the African continent, were derailed into chaos and sparked a diplomatic crisis over the participation of a non-state entity, the Polisario self-proclaimed SADR, becoming persona non-grata worldwide.

Henceforth, only African countries recognized by the United Nations will be allowed to participate in international summits and meetings. The Algerian regime has been utterly stunned by the AU decision which is heralding the upcoming expulsion of the Polisario from the pan-African organization.

Algeria’s ruling junta has spent billions of petrodollars on the Polisario separatist agenda and schemes against Morocco’s territorial integrity. After nearly five decades, the North African Kingdom becomes a regional economic & military power, while Algeria turns into a failed & a rogue state reeling under deepening political & socioeconomic crises, with escalating repression, high unemployment, inflation, acute shortage of drinking water & food amid widespread corruption, injustice…, pushing Algerians to flee the country.

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