Algeria’s thirst protests resume as local media turn a blind eye
Violent protests resumed in Algeria’s southwestern city of Tiaret where taps have been dry for days including during Eid celebrations, amid total blackout from local media.
First reported by AP, AFP has also zoomed in on the tensions in Tiaret where the population blocked streets and torched tires to express their anger at the government failure to ensure steady water supply.
Protesters set barricades and blocked roads connecting Tiaret to nearby towns on the day of eid, reported AFP.
Videos shared on social media showed angry people complaining of water cuts. As problems never come alone, the Tiaret population also complained of electricity and gas cuts in the hydrocarbons exporting country.
While the drying up dams could have been anticipated years ago, little was done by the central government in Algiers save bloated figures by President Tebboune, notably his blunder at the UN when he said his country is poised to desalinate 3.5 billion cubic meters this year!
Fearful of a new Hirak, the government has cracked-down on dissent leading many Algerian observers to warn that failures of public services would trigger the next unrest if no solution is found.