Algerian president demonstrates political motivations for arrest of novelist Sansal
The civilian façade of the Algerian regime, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, gave 2024 a classic end when he indulged in a speech before MPs in all sorts of insults against jailed novelist Boualem Sansal, whom he bluntly called a “bastard.”
Tebboune said Sansal was sent by France as an imposture with an “unknown identity” and who “does not know his own father.”
Tebboune vindicated the fears of rights defenders who have been warning of the politically-motivated arrest of Sansal.
After insulting the novelist, Tebboune confirmed that the real accusation behind Sansal’s arrest was the fact that he uttered some historical truths relating to the Moroccan past of what has become now Western Algeria.
Sansal was arrested in Algiers airport last November, right after his arrival from France. He is facing heavy charges including terrorism, which has been used by the regime to silence peaceful opponents and intellectuals.
The attack of Tebboune on Sansal was seen as a violation of the presumption of innocence and a confirmation that the writer is facing regime reprisals for practicing his freedom of speech.
Human rights activists and renowned writers from across the globe have called for his release to no avail.