Mali appoints Abdoulaye Maiga new Prime Minister
The military rulers in Mali appointed spokesman Abdoulaye Maiga new prime minister, succeeding Choguel Kokalla Maïga.
Choguel Maiga was replaced after he criticized the military regime in Bamako for failing to organize elections by March 2024 as promised.
His statement angered the military rulers in the country, where they have been fostering their grip on power against the backdrop of a surge in Jihadist and separatist activity in its vast north.
The military authorities have named loyalist Gen Abdoulaye Maïga (no relation) as the new prime minister.
He briefly occupied the post in 2022, when the dismissed Choguel Maïga was hospitalized.
The new prime minister was not among the military officials who seized power in 2020, but he subsequently joined them and has since been seen as one of Gen Goïta’s loyalists.