Sahara: EU Supports UN Chief Efforts to Achieve Lasting Political Solution

Sahara: EU Supports UN Chief Efforts to Achieve Lasting Political Solution

The European Union has expressed support for the efforts engaged by the UN Secretary-General to achieve a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution to the Sahara regional conflict.
The EU stand was expressed Thursday in New York at the UN Fourth Committee. Speaking on behalf of the European bloc, the delegate of Hungary said: “We continue to encourage the parties to work towards such a solution, within the framework of the United Nations”.
The EU also urged “all the parties” to engage in a cooperative search for a solution in accordance with the Security Council resolutions and the principles and purposes of the UN Charter.
“We remain concerned about the implications of the Sahara conflict for security and cooperation in the region”, said the European Union.
In his annual report submitted to the Security Council, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has recommended the extension for another year the MINURSO mandate to expire by the end of this October.
Morocco insists that there is no political process other than the roundtables with the participation of Algeria and that there is no solution apart from the Moroccan autonomy initiative offering a realistic solution to Sahara conflict.
However, Algeria, which is the main party to the Sahara conflict, continues to block the UN political process and refuse to resume the round-table talks.
The United States, the penholder on the Sahara issue, recognized Morocco’s full sovereignty over the entire Saharan territory in December 2020. Spain, former colonial power, Germany, France, and many other European, African and Arab countries support Morocco’s territorial integrity and its autonomy plan offered for the Sahara under its sovereignty, saying the plan is the only viable and realistic solution on the negotiating table.

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