UN: Malta’s PM calls for withdrawal of ‘foreign fighters’ from Libya

UN: Malta’s PM calls for withdrawal of ‘foreign fighters’ from Libya

Malta’s Prime Minister, Robert Abela, has called for the withdrawal of foreign forces from Libya and urged strict enforcement of the Libyan arms embargo, in accordance with Security Council resolutions. Speaking at the UN General Assembly, Abela emphasized that assisting the Libyan people in finding a lasting solution to their prolonged institutional crisis is a top priority for Malta.

He highlighted that a stable resolution would not only benefit Libyans but also have positive effects for neighboring countries and the broader region. Abela further noted that a unified Libyan government, supported by all its citizens, could play a critical role in addressing the migrant crisis endangering countless lives.

The Prime Minister also underscored the importance of supporting the political process, insisting it must be led and owned by the Libyan people themselves.

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