UN: Morocco Committed to UN Global Pact for the Future

UN: Morocco Committed to UN Global Pact for the Future

Morocco has pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 45.5% by 2030, increase investment in renewable energies and raise the share of clean energies in the electricity mix to 52% by 2030.

The pledge was expressed by Head of Moroccan Govt. Aziz Akhannouch in his address made Monday in New York at the Summit of the Future convened on the occasion of the ongoing UN General Assembly.

“It is essential to put peace, stability and development at the center of collective action”, said Mr. Akhannouch, stressing the need for a global and integrated approach, based on trust, dialogue and mutual respect.

This Summit, held in a global context marked by complex challenges, is an opportunity for the international community’s to reaffirm its commitment to the UN Charter and the multilateral system which needs a genuine political will to ensure success to collective actions offering inclusive solutions based on equity and solidarity.

He recalled the call made by King Mohammed VI for a reform of the institutions of the multilateral system to keep pace with the rapidly changing socioeconomic and political situation taking place around the globe.

Africa must be at the top of the UN’s priorities in order to turn challenges the continent is facing into opportunities for development and shared prosperity, said the Minister, citing in this regard the initiatives launched by Morocco to ensure regional & global food security, mitigate the impacts of global warming, support Africa’s inclusive growth, peace and stability.

In New York, world leaders adopted a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. The Pact covers a broad range of themes including peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations, and the transformation of global governance.

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