Morocco: 152 people accused of incitement to illegal migration to stand trial

Morocco: 152 people accused of incitement to illegal migration to stand trial

Moroccan authorities have captured the campaigners, mostly Algerians, who have incited lately naïve young people to storm the Spanish-occupied enclave of Ceuta, near northern Moroccan town of Fnideq.

The illegal crossing attempt is part of an Algerian destabilization strategy of neighboring Morocco. The hostile operation was intended to undermine the image of the North African Kingdom and spark tension between Rabat and Madrid.

Commenting these events, Moroccan Government Spokesperson Mustapha Baitas said 152 people will stand trial for incitement to illegal migration and for using social media networks to lure minors to take the plunge and jump over the fence.

Moroccan law enforcement agents have handled the assault on Moroccan-Spanish land borders with professionalism, said Mr. Baitas, noting that nearly 3,000 people have tried to storm the Ceuta crossing border from Fnideq but all their attempts have been thwarted.

Moroccan authorities acted in full respect of legal provisions in preventing some these people from an illegal migration attempt, the spokesman said.

Spanish Foreign minister José Manuel Albares has praised Morocco’s engagement in countering the illegal crossings, saying Morocco is a reliable and strategic partner of Spain.

According to Morocco’s Interior ministry, over 11,000 illegal migration attempts were foiled just the past month of August. Last year, Morocco’s Police arrested 28,863 illegal migrants, dismantled 121 criminal networks specialized in illegal migration and captured nearly 600 people smugglers.

Besides the huge efforts made by Moroccan authorities in fighting illegal migration mafias, experts are calling for launching social media campaigns and awareness campaigns to deter minors from making the illegal journeys.

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