China-Africa Forum: Beijing rejects separatists’ participation smacks Algeria & Polisario

China-Africa Forum: Beijing rejects separatists’ participation smacks Algeria & Polisario

The Algerian regime has suffered another humiliating diplomatic setback in Beijing after the Chinese authorities refused the participation of the Polisario in the ongoing China-Africa cooperation forum.

This is another slap on the face of ruling Algerian junta and their separatist militias in just few days after the Tokyo scandal which exposed their total failure, scornful manipulations, and loss of international credibility.

In Bali, the Indonesian authorities thwarted an Algerian plot to smuggle in Polisario agents posing as official members of the Algerian delegation invited to the Indonesia-Africa forum organized Sept.1-3.

The Indonesian security services intercepted the Polisario members with fake invitations and credentials at the airport and denied them entry. They also checked the identities and luggage of the Algerian delegation to prevent the infiltration of any Polisario operative.

These tight security measures have irked the Algerian delegation and especially foreign minister Ahmed Attaf who withdrew from the Bali meeting, realizing that all their schemes are falling into pieces.

During the latest Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) held Aug.24-25, a Polisario agent sneaked into the meeting with the help of the Algerian regime and support of South African diplomats. All their deceptive acts were caught on camera.

A footage showed the polisario member, with Algerian diplomatic credentials, taking out from his satchel the name plate of so- called “SADR” placing it in front of him in a bid to deceive organizers and attendees, posing as an official delegate.

Either in Bali or Beijing, the Indonesian and Chinese authorities were aware of the Algerian and Polisario tactics and were determined to foil all their dirty games. They vigilance paid off, avoiding a repetition of the Tokyo scandal.

Russia, the United States, Saudi Arabia, India, South Korea, Italy and Turkey have all excluded the Polisario from their summits with the African countries.
In July, the AU Executive Council decided to exclude the Polisario from participating in the international meetings gathering African countries and superpowers.

The move comes after some major international meetings, which were intended to bring in major investment to the African continent, were derailed into chaos and sparked a diplomatic crisis over the participation of a non-state entity, the Polisario self-proclaimed SADR, which is becoming persona non-grata worldwide.

Thus, it has been agreed that ONLY African countries recognized by the United Nations will be allowed to participate in international summits and meetings.

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