Algerians increasingly opt for Ceuta illegal migration route

Algerians increasingly opt for Ceuta illegal migration route

Determined to flee the worsening conditions in their country, an increasing number of Algerian nationals take advantage of visa free entry to Morocco to try illegal migration attempts to the Spanish occupied city of Ceuta, Moroccan media noted.

Over the past few years, thousands of Algerians take the risky Mediterranean crossing to Spain with scores dying en route.

Facing harsh conditions in Libya, Tunisia and Turkey, many Algerians now enter Morocco via air travel through Casablanca and head to the northern Moroccan coasts near Ceuta.

Many of whom managed to enter Ceuta swimming earlier this week urging Spanish authorities not to send them back to Algeria.

An increasing number of Algerian migrants evoke non-refoulement saying they would face repression if returned to Algiers, according to Spanish reports.

In 2024, over 9,664 Algerians entered Spain illegally, as economic conditions deteriorated in their country.

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