Libya: UN Security Council urges consensus-based resolution for Central Bank crisis

Libya: UN Security Council urges consensus-based resolution for Central Bank crisis

UN Security Council members voiced concerns over recent tensions in Libya, urging all Libyan actors and institutions to avoid unilateral actions that could escalate conflicts and deepen divisions.

The council members called on Thursday for a de-escalation of tensions, urging Libyan leaders to refrain from using force, threats, or economic pressure, and to seek a consensus-based resolution to the crisis involving the Central Bank.
The Council emphasized the need to avoid military actions that could destabilize Libya, threaten civilian security, or compromise the 2020 ceasefire agreement, highlighting the importance of accountability. They reminded Libyan leaders of their obligations under Security Council resolutions, especially resolution 2702 (2023), and the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) Roadmap, as well as the updated electoral laws from the 6+6 Committee.

Members encouraged all Libyan parties to engage sincerely and without preconditions in the UN-facilitated political process, in line with resolution 2702 (2023). They reaffirmed their support for the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and stressed the importance of appointing a new Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Libya as soon as possible.

Additionally, the Security Council underscored the need for the full, equal, and safe participation of women, youth, and civil society in democratic processes. They reiterated their commitment to Libya’s sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and national unity.

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