French media sacks Algerian commentator after hateful speech towards Morocco, jews

French media sacks Algerian commentator after hateful speech towards Morocco, jews

Mehdi Ghezzar, Algerian commentator with French radio RMC and head of Tebboune’s electoral campaign in France, spit his venom while speaking on the Algerian mouthpiece AL24, describing Morocco in derogatory terms while proffering antisemitic remarks. The derogatory remarks cost him his position at RMC, which officially announced that it will terminate his participation in a weekly show.

For an hour and a half of anti-Moroccan rhetoric, Ghezzar stipped himself of all moral restraint uttering hateful remarks about the Kingdom which he described as a ‘rogue state,’ a ‘colonial state,’ or even a ‘thugocracy.’

He lauded the violent attack on a Moroccan diplomat by an Algerian agent at a Japan-Africa meeting in Tokyo and showed disrespect for Moroccan women.

Ghezzar adapted to the propaganda style of Algerian media spreading lies. He said Morocco issued a decree banning all pro-Palestine protests at the initiative of Jewish Royal Advisor André Azoulay. Such a lie is actually true for Algeria which brags about standing against Israel but in reality bans all support marches with Palestine.

So far, the largest pro-Palestinian protests in the region took place in Morocco, where protests denouncing Israeli atrocities are commonplace and unhindered.

A day later, after reprimands on social media by senior French political figures and Moroccans, Ghezzar said he apologized to the Moroccan people, whose country he insulted!

At the image of their impulsive Algerian diplomacy, many Algerian lobbyists are resorting to lies and hate speech to defend their military paymasters virtually as Morocco accumulates diplomatic gains on the ground, the latest of which was French support for Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara territory.

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