French think-tank lauds Morocco’s regional leadership & commitment for Africa’s development, stability & security

French think-tank lauds Morocco’s regional leadership & commitment for Africa’s development, stability & security

Executive Director of the Paris-based Observatory of Geopolitical Studies, Khaled Hamadé, has praised the regional leadership of King Mohammed VI and his steadfast engagement for Africa’s socio-economic development.

Thanks to the royal leadership, Morocco has become a beacon of stability in Africa and a model in south-south cooperation, said Mr. Hamadé in an analysis published in the latest newsletter of Observatoire d’Etudes Géopolitiques (OEG).

Morocco’s return to the African Union in 2017 has strengthened further the Kingdom’s role across the continent and contributed to advancing inter-African cooperation serving Africa’s development, stability and security, underlined the analyst of the French think-tank.

The growing international support for the autonomy plan offered by Morocco for the Sahara under its sovereignty is recognition of the Kingdom’s legitimate & historical rights. It also reflects the credibility the country enjoys across Africa under the leadership of King Mohammed VI, said the French expert.

Paris’ support for the Kingdom’s sovereignty over its Sahara is a decisive step towards ending this conflict, underlined the Executive Director of the research center, saying that the realist and credible autonomy plan responds to the aspirations of the local inhabitants and brings in regional stability.

The mounting international support for the Moroccan proposed autonomy plan combined with a strong partnership with key players such as France opens the way for achieving a lasting political solution to the Sahara regional conflict, affirmed the analyst.


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