Mauritania: INSAF National Council elects Sid Ahmed Ould Mohamed as party president

Mauritania: INSAF National Council elects Sid Ahmed Ould Mohamed as party president

The National Council of the INSAF party elected at its extraordinary session held in Nouakchott on Friday Sid Ahmed Ould Mohamed to the post of party president, succeeding Mohamed Malainine Ould Eyih.

The new party president said that the trust placed in him by the party and the choice he had been honored with were in line with the dynamic the country was experiencing. “Today, we realize that we are practicing politics within a large party covering the whole country and pursuing a policy based on equity,” he said.

He pledged to pursue the reforms needed for the next stage, and to “build a modern party that interacts with its political environment, that makes the news and is dynamic in its course, a party that lives up to the expectations of the majority who have chosen it as their mode of governance, who are confident in its ability to provide profound solutions to development issues”.

Sid Ahmed Ould Mohamed affirmed that the INSAF party will provide political support and assistance to the government of the President of the Republic, led by Moctar Ould Diay, a member of the party’s Executive Board, to implement the President’s program aimed at building a state of law and strong institutions with effective and modern governance, building a strong economy, empowering young people, fighting corruption, and promoting and supporting social inclusion.

He stressed that he had taken over the presidency of the party in a very complex international situation, where wars and unrest are multiplying and differences and divergences of views between the poles are interacting, declaring the party’s support for all just causes in the world, foremost among which is the cause of Palestine.

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