Algeria: Ruling Junta challenged by dissident armed forces, threatening implosion of country

Algeria: Ruling Junta challenged by dissident armed forces, threatening implosion of country

“Free Algerian Army” has announced its breakaway from the Army to liberate the country from the ruling military gang, signaling doom and gloom awaiting the Algerians risking another “Black Decade”.

In a press release posted Saturday on X, the dissident group claimed responsibility for the deadly attack that rocked lately Oran military base and for blowing up a weapon warehouse in M’Sila province (northern Algeria).

Footage of these two events went viral on social media networks, but state media outlets were muzzled as press freedoms are severely restricted in the country.

The “Free Algerian Army” says its goal is to retrieve the hijacked Algeria from the ruling military gang blamed for making Algerian people suffering thirst and starvation in an oil-gas producing country.

The military group also accuses the ruling junta of stealing the Algerian people’s wealth, kidnapping, jailing and killing thousands of opponents, pushing countless disillusioned others to flee the country.

The creation of “Free Algerian Army” comes amid a series of diplomatic setbacks suffered by the Algerian regime over the Sahara issue, making Algerian people realize that their feckless rulers have squandered billions of US dollars on a lost cause, the Polisario militias’ theses.

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