King makes of defense of Palestinian cause one of the constants of Morocco’s foreign policy

King makes of defense of Palestinian cause one of the constants of Morocco’s foreign policy

King Mohammed VI has always supported the Palestinian cause and Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle to establish their independent State with Al-Quds Asharif as its capital – a State living in peace and security alongside the State of Israel.

Since his accession to the throne in 1999, the Monarch, Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, has continuously defended the Palestinian cause placing it at the top of the Kingdom’s priorities, denounced the Judaization campaign in the Holy City and repeatedly called for the protection of its historic characteristics as a place of religious tolerance and coexistence.

The “Al-Quds Appeal”, signed by the King, Commander of the Faithful, and His Holiness Pope Francis during the visit he paid to Morocco in March 2019, confirms the Sovereign’s unwavering supportive stand with the Palestinian cause.

The “Al-Quds Appeal” calls for preserving the identity and the spiritual dimension of the Holy city as a common heritage of humanity and a land of peaceful coexistence for the followers of the three monotheistic religions.

On several occasions, the King has voiced his total rejection of all unilateral measures affecting the legal and historical status of Al-Quds Asharif, called for de-escalating violence in the Middle East region and affirmed that the two-state solution is the only way to ensure a lasting and comprehensive peace, through the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders.

During latest Arab and Islamic summits convened following the brutal Israeli aggressions against Gazans, the Monarch reiterated urgent calls for an immediate, sustainable and comprehensive end to these unprecedented acts of aggression, and for allowing unfettered access of humanitarian aid to the entire Gaza Strip.

He also recalled the humanitarian and medical assistance delivered directly to Gazans and to al-Quds inhabitants as well as the support provided by Bayt Mal al-Quds Agency to Maqdissis and some hospitals.

The Gaza Strip is part of the unified Palestinian territories, which must enjoy peace and independence, in keeping with a two-state solution and in accordance with international resolutions, had said the Moroccan Sovereign.

Countless royal initiatives have been launched to alleviate the sufferings of the Palestinian people. In 2009, Morocco sent humanitarian relief to Gaza inhabitants and received 200 wounded who benefited from necessary medical care. Three years later, the Kingdom deployed a field hospital in the Gaza Strip.

In 2018, another medical & surgical field hospital of the Royal Armed Forces was deployed in Gaza. In 2022, thanks to Morocco’s direct mediation, under the royal leadership, the Israeli authorities opened the Allenby/King Hussein border crossing, linking the West Bank and Jordan.

Upon royal instructions, Morocco sent last March large quantities of humanitarian aid directly to Gazans and Al-Quds population, in coordination with the Egyptian authorities – via the Rafah crossing.

Four months later, the North African Kingdom sent 40 tons of medical aid to Gazans. The aid includes surgery equipment and supplies to treat burns and fractures as well as medicine for children. Like the previous relief operations sent to Palestinians, a large part of the aid was paid by the King from his personal funds.

For its part, Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency, an offshoot of the Al Quds Committee, has continued to support the Holy City through a large number of educational, social, housing, cultural… projects benefiting Palestinian populations since its creation in 1998.

These projects contribute to improving the living conditions of Maqdissi inhabitants, strengthen their resistance and help them maintain services of several institutions in the Holy City.


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