Congo suspends mining activity in east to restore order

Congo suspends mining activity in east to restore order

Authorities in South Kivu province in eastern DRC ordered a suspension of all mining activities, arguing that the sector needed order, in a decision that will hit the local economy in the already conflict-stricken and impoverished area.

“All companies, businesses, and cooperatives are required to leave the sites and operating locations within 72 hours,” the governor of South Kivu said.

The decision was decried as illegal by mining operators in the minerals-rich area.

The decision will hit hard artisanal miners of metals such as gold and tin, as they are the region’s dominant producers.

The implementation of the decision will be difficult as much of DRC’s east is plagued by conflict with armed groups controlling swathes of territory, including mining activities.

Many Chinese companies mine gold and other minerals in South Kivu.

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