Morocco welcomes ICJ opinion on Israel’s policies and practices in Palestinian territory

Morocco welcomes ICJ opinion on Israel’s policies and practices in Palestinian territory

Morocco has welcomed the advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Al Quds, said an official source from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Morocco, whose Sovereign, King Mohammed VI chairs the Al-Quds Committee, stresses the importance of this advisory opinion in supporting the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to establish their independent and sovereign State with East Al-Quds as its capital, living side by side with Israel as part of the two-state solution, the source said.

It added that Morocco rejects all practices and measures aimed at altering the historical legal status prevailing on the ground, and which undermine efforts to restore stability and peace to the region.

The International Court of Justice, responding to the questions posed by the General Assembly, concluded that Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful; that Israel is under an obligation to bring to an end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible; and that it is under an obligation to cease immediately all new settlement activities, and to evacuate all settlers from the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
The ICJ also ruled that Israel has the obligation to make reparation for the damage caused to all the natural or legal persons concerned in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; that all States are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by the continued presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Likewise, international organizations, including the United Nations, are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; and the United Nations, and especially the General Assembly, which requested the opinion, and the Security Council, should consider the precise modalities and further action required to bring to an end as rapidly as possible the unlawful presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the ICJ underlined.

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