Morocco, Algeria and the Palestinian issue

Morocco, Algeria and the Palestinian issue

As Morocco matches words with action sending concrete aid to war-stricken Palestinians in Gaza, the Algerian regime indulges through its mouthpieces in fake news and ideological anachronism that is of no help to Palestinians they claim to side with.

Algerian media spit their venom claiming that Moroccan military aircrafts landed in Israel, until they were forced to come to terms with a reality of a large-scale shipment of aid airlifted to Israel before being loaded into trucks that headed to Gaza.

The 40-ton medical aid included vital surgery supplies and other equipment and medicine to treat burns and fractures designed for children and adults.

The particularity of the aid is that it was delivered via a land route and handed to the Palestinian red crescent at the Kerem Shelom crossing.

The land route would ensure that aid reaches the targeted beneficiaries in war-devastated Gaza where Palestinians need concrete help not Algeria’s empty words.

The medical aid is the second large-scale operation after that of Ramadan last March, when Morocco sent via the same unprecedented land route vital supplies to Palestinian civilians.

Morocco was able to build on its relations with Israel to help negotiate the opening of the land route for its aid instead of the Egyptian border crossing where supplies are often blocked and left to rot under the extreme heat and sun. Other countries opted for air dropping, a method that has proven inefficient as aid often ends up lost in sea, smashed, or amassed by a few to the detriment of needy households.

Meanwhile, Algeria indulged in an official discourse that used the Palestinian issue for domestic political legitimization purposes. As Tebboune seeks a second term after a tenure marred with diplomatic blows, he and other parrots of the military regime are using the Palestinian issue referring to Israel in their domestic speeches as the Zionist entity and demanding the liberation of Palestine “from the sea to the sea.”

But when he is in front of western leaders, he speaks of a two-state solution, just like any Arab leader.

In their rhetoric, Algerian officials only bring up Palestinian issue to compare it with their Polisario puppet, in a false syllogism that shows the opportunistic use of the suffering of Palestinians for a domestic political legitimization agenda of a regime that has failed its people socially and economically.

The difference between Morocco and Algeria as far as helping Palestinians is concerned is that Morocco could use its relations with Israel to defend the rights of the Palestinians to a homeland and to deliver concrete aid while Algeria uses Palestinians’ suffering for domestic purposes without being able neither to “wage war” on Israel nor to deliver concrete aid to Palestinians.

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