Morocco sends medical supplies via land route to Gaza

Morocco sends medical supplies via land route to Gaza

king Mohammed VI, Chairman of Al-quds Committee, ordered the delivery of 40 tons of medical aid in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, Morocco’s foreign ministry said.

The shipment will follow the same unprecedented route as the aid sent in March.

In March, Morocco was the first nation to use the Kerem Shalom border crossing to send aid to Gazans.

The aid is composed of medicine to treat burns and fractures as well as surgery equipment and is designed for children and adults alike, the foreign ministry said in a statement.

The King paid for a large portion of the aid, the statement said.

The medical aid is part of a long tradition of active solidarity with Palestine, and reflects the king’s personal involvement and unwavering support for the Palestinian people.

It also evidences the effectiveness of the Al-Quds Committee and Bayt Mal Al Quds, propelled by a vision of peace and focused on effective and concrete support for the Palestinians.

Besides, the Shipment of the aid via land shows that the resumption of relations with Israel serves peace and the interests of the Palestinian people and demonstrates, if need be, that Morocco has always used its leverage and networks to promote the interests of the Palestinians and peace for all the peoples of the region, contrary to Algeria which voices verbal indignation without undertaking any tangible solidarity act. Algerians loudly proclaim their hollow slogans, words overbidding but take no practical action to genuinely back the Palestinians.

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