Rabat and Rome agree to step up cooperation against terrorism, illegal migration & transnational organized crime

Rabat and Rome agree to step up cooperation against terrorism, illegal migration & transnational organized crime

Morocco and Italy have agreed to strengthen further cooperation ties to counter common challenges, including terrorist threats, illegal migration and Transnational Organized Crime.

The agreement was reached during the meeting held Tuesday in Rabat between Moroccan interior minister Abdelouafi Laftit and Italian peer Matteo Piantedosi.

The two ministers discussed bilateral relations and regional issues of common interests especially in the Mediterranean basin, and stressed the need to enhance cooperation particularly in security and migration.

Mr. Laftit thanked Italian authorities for their input to ensure success of “Mahraba Operation 2024”, spearheaded by Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity.

He briefed the Italian minister about Morocco’s counter-terrorism strategy that includes vigilant & anticipatory security measures, prevention against radicalization, regional & international cooperation with partner security and intelligence bodies.

Mr. Laftit also spoke about Morocco’s migration policy which is based on humanist approach, the Kingdom’s border control, and the fight against human trafficking networks.

For his part, the Italian official stressed the key role played by Morocco in the fight against illegal migration, praising the two countries’ cooperation and joint initiatives destined to address migration issues, combat illegal immigration, and enhance security coordination.

The two ministers have agreed to set up a Permanent Joint Migration Group to ensure a better management of migration flows.


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