Morocco opts for floating LNG facility in Nador West Med

Morocco opts for floating LNG facility in Nador West Med

Morocco is preparing to launch a tender this summer to build a floating regasification unit in the port of Nador West Med, an energy ministry official said.

A financial close is expected in 2025, with construction and entry into service seen in 2026, the official in charge of oil and gas at the ministry was cited by Reuters as saying.

Morocco, so far, has relied on imported gas from Spanish LNG through the reverse flow of a pipeline that once carried Algerian gas.

The new terminal would help meet the gas needs of the country which are estimated to surge to 8 bcm in three years, Reuters reported.

Coal is still the main source of electricity production in the rapidly developing country, where industrial operators are increasingly opting for gas as a low-carbon and competitive source of energy.

The new terminal will be linked to the existing pipeline along with gas fields in Tendrara and gharb regions, the media said citing officials.

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