African Ambassadors hail credibility, boldness of Royal Atlantic Initiative

African Ambassadors hail credibility, boldness of Royal Atlantic Initiative

Ambassadors from several African countries hailed, Wednesday in Dakhla, the “credibility” and “boldness” of King Mohammed VI’s initiative to promote Sahel countries’ access to the Atlantic Ocean.

“Despite the security challenges facing Sahel countries, Morocco, through the Royal Initiative, strives to make the Atlantic coast a large-scale economic integration center,” they stated during a panel on “The Atlantic Initiative and Economic Integration”, held as part of the 5th edition of the “International Days of Macroeconomics and Finance” (JIMF).

The Ambassadors also unanimously stressed that poverty is at the root of many of the problems hampering the development of Sahel countries, hence the importance of this initiative, which will undoubtedly boost the development of African economy.

Speaking on this occasion, Niger’s Ambassador to Morocco, Salissou Ada, said that the Royal Atlantic Initiative would facilitate the mobility of people and goods, and support the economy of Sahel countries, connecting them to the global economy, notably through the port of Dakhla Atlantique.

The Nigerien diplomat also emphasized the deep ties that entrench Morocco to its African roots, pointing out that the Royal Initiative is part of a major project aimed at strengthening Morocco’s anchorage in its African environment and creating an area of progress, peace, solidarity, and shared prosperity.

For his part, Ambassador of Burkina Faso to Morocco, Mamadou Coulibaly, stated that the Royal Initiative for the Atlantic will turn the Atlantic seaboard into a high-place of human communion, a hub of economic integration, and a center of continental and international influence. Through this Initiative, Morocco would enable the Sahel states to access the resources and means for a developed and united Africa, the Burkinabe diplomat said.

In this respect, he noted that the Afro-Atlantic and Sahel area represents “46% of the African population, 55% of gross domestic product (GDP) and 57% of continental trade,” adding that the Initiative aims to federate efforts around a common vision to take full advantage of the potential of Sahel countries.

Taking the floor, Chad’s Ambassador to Morocco, Hassan Adoum Bakhit Haggar, said that this “Morocco-proposed joint action is an ideal opportunity to further strengthen our sphere of economic cooperation.” He praised the Kingdom’s efforts to make its port, road and maritime infrastructures available to Sahel countries in order to make a success of this promising project.

In this vein, he expressed his determination, like other member countries of the Initiative, to support Morocco in mobilizing resources and financing the various infrastructure projects needed to implement this ambitious move.

Director General of the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation (AMCI), Mohamed Methqal, said that King Mohammed VI made South-South cooperation the main pillar of the Kingdom’s foreign policy, and put Africa at the center of its priorities.

This Royal commitment towards Africa, he added, is reflected in the structuring projects launched across the continent and the thousands of agreements signed since 1999.

Methqal also emphasized the special attention Morocco pays to human development in Africa, placing the human element at the center of all its actions, projects and programs.

Mali’s Ambassador to Morocco, Fafre Camara, and the President of the Economic, Social, Environmental and Cultural Council of Mali, Yacouba Katilé, also took part in the panel.

The 5th edition of the International Days of Macroeconomics and Finance which started proceedings Wednesday aims to explore the challenges and opportunities of economic integration in Africa and make recommendations to further strengthen this integration while promoting prosperity and sustainable, inclusive development on the continent.

This economic forum also aims to emphasize the challenges of Africa’s economic integration, the opportunities and challenges of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), as well as international experiences of economic integration and technologies, research, and innovation as levers of the continent’s integration.

The three-day event features thematic sessions and other panels focused on “Progress and Challenges of Economic Integration in Africa,” “Territorial Development and Economic Integration,” and “Monetary Policy, Foreign Direct Investments, and Economic Integration in Africa.”

Additionally, the forum features panels on “Constructive National Governance for Sustainable Regional Integration in Africa,” “Climate Change, Governance, and Development in Africa,” “The Challenges of Climate Change Related to Economic Integration,” and “Global Value Chains and Economic Integration.”

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