Morocco, USA resolved to further strengthen military cooperation & explore new opportunities for collaboration

Morocco, USA resolved to further strengthen military cooperation & explore new opportunities for collaboration

Morocco and the United States have expressed their shared resolve to further strengthen bilateral military cooperation and explore new opportunities for collaboration, particularly in the areas of training, the use of space for national defense needs and sustainable development, cyber defense, and the defense industry.

This came during a meeting that gathered Monday in Rabat Minister Delegate in charge of the Administration of National Defense, Abdellatif Loudiyi, and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Celeste Wallander, who is on a working visit to the Kingdom, at the head of an important American military delegation.

During the meeting, held in line with the royal high instructions regarding the 13th meeting of the Defense Consultative Committee (DCC), both officials expressed their satisfaction with the excellence and durability of the privileged ties and strategic partnership that unite the United States and Morocco, a statement from the National Defense Administration said.

They also emphasized that, given the positive outcomes of this military cooperation, which is considered dense and diversified, the regular holding of the DCC meetings, will undoubtedly have positive impacts on strengthening the modernization of the Royal Armed Forces and the interoperability of the two countries’ forces.

The American official took this opportunity to commend the Kingdom’s commitment, as an important player of peace and stability, in facing the various challenges and issues marking regional security. She also praised Morocco’s determination, under the leadership of the King, to embark on reform strategies and enhance the Kingdom’s influence on regional and international scales, the statement added.

During the meeting, Abdellatif Loudiyi highlighted the royal initiative aimed at transforming the Atlantic façade of Africa into a hub of economic integration, a space of peace, stability, and shared prosperity, including all countries of the Atlantic belt of the continent and the landlocked countries of the Sahel.

The US official and her accompanying delegation had had earlier in the day a meeting with Inspector General of the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) and Commander of the Southern Zone General Mohammed Berrid that reviewed military cooperation and the strategic partnership between the United States and Morocco.

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