Bahrain: Algeria fails to include Sahara issue in Arab Summit agenda

Bahrain: Algeria fails to include Sahara issue in Arab Summit agenda

The Algerian regime has suffered another humiliating diplomatic setback following its failure to include the Sahara issue in the agenda of the upcoming Arab summit due in Bahrain May 16.

According to diplomatic sources, the Arab League has rejected the Algerian hostile and provocative move, affirming that the Pan-Arab Organization respects the sovereignty of Arab countries and supports their stability, dealing a hard blow to the Algerian plot seeking to undermine Morocco’s territorial integrity, sow more divisions and fuel more frictions among Arab countries.

Despite the Algerian pressure and maneuvers, the Arab League stood firm and did not give in, saying it stays away from the Sahara issue. The Arab League will not engage in any discussion and haggling over Arab countries territorial integrity and sovereignty, underlined an Arab league source.

Preparatory meetings for the Arab Summit started last Saturday in Manama. Arab officials met to discuss an emergency plan against the ongoing Israeli attacks on Palestine and joint Arab economic and social cooperation.

Arab league Assistant Secretary-General Hossam Zaki said that the Palestinian cause is a top priority for the Arab world, and that the Manama summiteers will take important decisions on Palestine.

The Arab leaders will also discuss ways of strengthening Arab solidarity and supporting efforts to establish peace, security and stability in the region.


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