Higher NEET rate questions Moroccan government policies

Higher NEET rate questions Moroccan government policies

As the head of the Moroccan government expresses satisfaction at its half-mandate achievement, a new report pointed to the need to address challenges posed by 1.5 million Moroccans who are not engaged in education, employment or training, known as NEET.

The report by the economic social and environmental council (CESE) said the high number of NEET poses a risk to Morocco’s social stability and worsens poverty, vulnerability and inequality.

Unaddressed, the NEET problem triggers psychological issues among the youth and exposes them to the risk of extremism and criminality.

The NEET rate was higher among women at 38% than men 13.6%, the report mentions, adding that 40% of all NEET youth had an education level below junior high school.

Commenting on the report, the head of the Government- who was defending his half-mandate achievements in the Upper House- questioned the timing of the report and belittled its recommendations.

The report came as the unemployment rate in Morocco hit a record 13.7% in the first quarter this year, with a high prevalence among the youth.

The government ascribed the high unemployment rate to a severe drought that slashed jobs in rural areas.

Akhannouch said his government was pressing ahead with its social model generalizing health insurance, offering cash handouts to the needy and promoting investments to create jobs and cut inflation.


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